Deux Femmes et Leurs Périodes
(c) 07.23.2023, by Cupideros Deux femmes et leurs périodes. Deux femmes ont postulé sur le paradis abyssarien en cuisinant dans la cuisine. “Oh, ma période est si douloureuse que je ne peux pas attendre la mort.” La seconde répondit : « Se plaindre des petites choses comme si elles étaient graves deviendra certainement une habitude.…
The Three Abyssarianism Baskets by Cupideros
Find the above story and several other spiritual short stories in the book below. Get Your Copy Today!
The Little Redhead Girl and The Record Album
© 04.15, 2023, by Cupideros There was a redheaded girl who loved reading literature and memorizing Shakespeare. Her talents got her good grades in school, which is mostly just memorizing information, then repeating it in written form on a test sheet. She did not have a boyfriend. Like most girls in those days, she played with…