Nanotechnology is a real thing. And unfortunately it is and will be used for positive and negative ends. We Abyssarians will get into Chaos Theory soon. However, for right now, keep in mind, these cannot be seen with the naked eye, but physically you can feel Nanotech effects. Thus, from a pragmatic and practical sense, you can detect them. Spiritually, if you are well-developed, you can sense them with your hands, and eyes. Nanotech produces artificial circumstances and situations that if remove allow the situation or circumstance to revert to normal! Removal is as simple as taking a shower, wiping off with a cloth or hand, but the products below are for quick subtraction of nanotech from surfaces around you and clothes you wear.
I prefer the yellow feather duster, but the gray is listed here. This is for wiping nanotech off walls, desk, mouse, mouse pads, and other areas. I’ll tell you more about these products later on Abyssarianism.com in a post.
Electric shocks to the feet are control and prevented by the slipper boots. These tiny shocks are meant to keep you awake and stop concentration, focus. Nanotech on your feet and back of lower legs can make your feet artificially swell.
Water cooler are good for heavy water nanogames. You basically wait about 15 minutes for the heavy water to pool at the bottom. Release this into an empty juice bottle, jug, water bottle and pour out into the sink.
This clever vacuum comes with a detached handheld vacuum. Great item for removing nanotech from your clothes, computers. You can also vacuum your floor, removing nanotech.